I am trying to keep up with the blogging world, and also add my 2 cents here and there. So today I will talk about my darling boys. Really, the world wouldn't be the same without them. I want to talk about the weekend before last when we drove into the woods to have a picknic lunch.
We don't do a whole lot as a family in the way of getting out of the house. So it sounded like a good idea when a friend of mine suggested a family picknic. I work for the forest service, so you would think that I get into the woods frequently. But, this is just not so. So that morning, after our weekend trip to visit grandma, we got ready for our journey. I made some homemade potato salad (yum!) and pocket pies (also a major yum!) and brownies for desert. Noah had just woke from his nap and Eli was busy all morning outside with dad, so it was going to be ok to drive for an hour to get to the spot. We ended up at the Buck Springs campground for our picknic. It was a gorgeous day. We ate in peace and then explored the surroundings.
After lunch it was time to go home, or so we thought. The adults made the decision to drive around the long way and see the lake and look for wildlife rather than just drive back the way we came. It was a truly wonderful afternoon. The boys ended up napping most of the way back. We ended up finding a spot we could splash in the creek for a couple of minutes before be made it into town. I highly suggest a family picknic now, it does a family good!
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