Sunday, December 13, 2009


I really love snow! It is really beautiful to wake up in the morning after it has snowed all night. It is so quiet, hardly any noise until the snow plows start up. The snow covers all the leaves that didn't get raked, and anything that was left out from summer is covered up nicely.

It snowed here yesterday. Not very much, just an inch or two. But the snow was welcome. It has been below zero most of the week, so it really had to warm up to snow. Today was supposed to be more snow, but right now the skys are blue. I still hold out hope for more snow though!

My little dudes have been really sick lately. Well actually just Noah. He didn't keep anything down for nearly a week, but now he is totally making up for it. This morning it was just him and I for a few hours while everyone else was sleeping. In that time he had his baba, then a banana, then a cup of yogurt, then a muffin, then some bacon. You get the idea. He has always been a good eater, but now he is making up for lost time. He did get rather bony since he has been sick, so it is a welcome sight.

Sis, I think I am going to do the 365 project. I want to keep track of my life, and my babies too. So I think I will start that soon. Then I will have a reason to post here too!!

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